Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I haven't posted in awhile so let me bring you up to speed...

* I booked my Christmas flight to Jakarta, Indonesia. I plan to work my way down to Bali for New Years. Soooo excited. Hoping to visit Yogyakarta and maybe one more stop one the way down, but who knows.

* Tomorrow I leave for Malaysia Borneo where I am going to hike Mt. Kinabalu, the highest peak in South East Asia! The last couple days of the trip will be spent in Kuching where I will indulge in some much needed beach time. Stay tuned for pictures!

* I am trying to take advantage of most of the entertainment that comes to Macau or Hong Kong. Chris Brown is coming to Macau in November so some of us are going to see him, cannot wait!!

* In other news: I found a hair stylist which is so wonderful (well, Cassie did!), I also discovered that the 'import' grocery store sells Happy Planet juice (fresh from Vancouver) so that makes me happy, I have given in and am reading the Stephanie Meyer 'twilight' series which is turning out better than expected, the half-marathon training is going really well (6-week countdown), AND I am loving for providing me with the newest Grey's Anatomy episodes (for free!).

Life is sweet, no complaints!



(Happy Halloween!!!)

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