Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kinabalu, Chris Brown and 2-7

I know that I haven't posted in awhile. Again! Here's the update...

At the end of October we had our end of term break where I went to Malaysian Borneo. I do recommend it to anyone! The people are lovely and it really is a beautiful area. I went first to Kota Kinabalu and hiked Mt. Kinabalu with another teacher, Cassie. This was the experience of a lifetime!! The mountain was over 4000 meters and we hiked over 2000 meters of it. It was fantastic! So
inspiring! I am doing a write-up for my friends website. It is not up yet, but check out

Last weekend was a busy one as Chris Brown was in Macau, and it was my birthday celebration. Chris Brown was a great concert (believe it or not)!! He is a very good entertainer and wow, the boy can dance!!! We had a lot of video ops and it was a teenage-fest, filled mostly with students of mine. 'Highlight' of the night (sarcastic) was having to kick one of my students out of the Bellini Lounge after the concert. Um... 15? Yea, don't think so. She wasn't too happy- but she obliged.

The next night was my birthday party... a Bond 00(2)7 Birthday. It was a great night and everyone dressed up and looked great! There were copious amounts of martini mix and other alcohol and plenty of olives to spare. I give the best dressed award to Foxy Cleopatra, aka Christine.

In other news:

- Saw my first Macau movie, the new Bond. So good! Though I must say I like the first Daniel Craig Bond movie better. Lack of Bond-love perhaps?

The half-marathon is coming up!! December 7th! Training is going well, and there have been some tough runs. I am looking forward to the challenge.

- I have also registered for the 10k run in Hong Kong in February!! The half was already full. Should be fun!

- Made my first slip up in-class today. Was about to say 'the next class' but in my mind was 'the second class'... and what came out was 'THE SEX...' and that's where I stopped. My kids thankfully have a good sense of humour and we just laughed it off. And my face turned bright red. I do have to give props to my one student who said 'what happens in that class?'. Oh the love of junior high.

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