Sunday, September 7, 2008

Teaching- Year Two!

I know that I have only been teaching at TIS for just over one week... here are my thoughts so far...

I am having a wonderful time. There is a part of me thinking that the 'honeymoon stage' will end soon and grade nine wrath is around the corner, but I am unsure of this. The kids are awesome, really creative and fun. They are eager to learn and are very curious. There is a definite range of students with different strengths and weaknesses which is a nice challenge for me. It is nice teaching only one grade (three sections), two subjects. Only two lesson plans per day!!! Yay! We have 'Curriculum Night' this week to meet the parents and introduce the courses which should be great. There is also a really great feel among the staff, new and returning.

My thoughts on Macau are getting better by the day and I am finally starting to establish some sort of routine.

I joined a gym over in Macau which has been a nice excuse for me to venture from Taipa. They have a decent amount of equipment and also offer classes. 50% succession rate so far with the classes... Hits: Fatbuster and Hatha Yoga. Misses: Fusion Dance and a class which was supposed to be Fatbuster with another instructor (but turned out feeling like a cheerleading class... then I left 10 minutes in). I can't even explain the Dance Fusion class. More like "I'm going to make up all the moves and confuse you all" class. So she didn't confuse everyone in the class as I am suspect there are some regulars but she definitely confused the 2 foreigners in the class. I miss my Crossfit, Jazzercise and Body Dynamics!!

Also, I have been running a lot in the early mornings and have been caught in some serious rain showers. What else to do but run home?

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